STOPS ENGINE OIL LEAKS: Pour the full bottle of stop leak into the engine oil during oil changes or in between them. Typically, leaks cease within 200 miles or 3 days of use. If the leak persists, a second dose might be necessary, or professional repair could be needed.
STOPS AND SEALS MOTOR OIL LEAKS: Bar's Leaks Engine Oil Stop Leak Concentrate is specially designed to stop seal and gasket leaks caused by normal engine wear and age.
WORKS WITH ALL ENGINE OILS: Works with ALL gasoline and diesel engines using conventional, high mileage and synthetic engine oil.
RESTORES GASKETS AND SEALS: One bottle treats up to 5 quarts of oil. For larger systems use 1 bottle for every 5 quarts of oil capacity. On small 4 cycle engines, use approximately 2 ounces per quart of capacity.